Period: to
19th centuary
Matthew Flinders curcumfrances the continent
Matthew Flinders maps down many coastal lines that are unknown and calls the continent Australia.he proved that it was an alone continent -
Gregory Blaxman, William Charles Wentworth and William Lawson cross the blue mountains
the blue mountains were known as the barrier between Sydney and the inland before these three men managed to create a path through to the other side, the were the first European settlers to cross the vast country mountains.most people saw the blue mountains as a collection of deep gorges and ruff cliffs. after the path was discovered they were too busy surviving the horrible conditions they had to cross the path, but they soon experienced a large drought and severe illnesses so they had to cross -
the Australian dollar
the holy dollar was created by Governor Lachlan Macquarie who took it from the spanish dollar . he disgiuesed them by punching holes in them, hence the name. this created the first currency in australia