Australian Catholic Church History

  • First Catholics In Australia

    This is when the first fleet arrived in Australia. Some of the convicts onboard were Catholic, thus, the first Catholic arrived in Australia
  • First Qualified Priests

    1820 saw the arrival of the first qualified preists to ever have set foot on Australian soil. This meant that Catholics could go to a reliable source for the Christian Faith
  • Sisters of St. Joseph founded

    This was significant because now country kids could be given the privelidge of an education, free of charge, by decent teachers
  • St. Mary's Cathedral Consecrated

    On this day, St. Mary's Cathedral was consecrated. It was soon to become the mother church of Australia - the most symbolic of all Churches in Australia.
  • Death of St. Mary of The Cross

    Mary MacKillop was by now a very iconic and important figure in the Australian Catholic Church and even after her death, the organisation she had founded (Sisters of St. Joseph) was still continuing its work after she was gone
  • Period: to

    Australian Catholic Boom

    The 1950's saw a boom in the Catholic Church, as this was a large chunk of the "baby boomer" generation. With a rapid growth rate of Catholics, came a large boom in Catholic Church
  • World Youth Day Sydney

    In this period, it was Australia's chance to show off to the Pope and to the World our Country and our unique way of life, and how it has been embedded into our reliigon.