James Cook Explored Australia
James Cook came to Australia, ignored Aboriginies, and mapped part of it. -
First Fleet
11 Ships went to Australia to colonize. -
Australia Day
Captain Arthur Philip left Bontana Bay to Sydney Cove, raised colors, and established British sovereignty over New South Whales. -
New Wales
New Whales had officially become a penal colony, a colony to keep prisoners. -
Govener Philip sailed back
Governor Philip sailed back to England with Bemelons, the first Australia born to sail to England. -
Commonwealth Act
The constitution of laws and guidlines was made. -
Immigration Restriction Act
They limited the number of immigrants coming to Australia and started basis of White Australia Policy. -
Legislation was passed to help Aboriginies and heve them treated equally. -
Australia Act
All legal ties severed. -
Second Fleet
Second group arrived in Australia and were gripped by a food crisis.