Australian flag map

Australia through the times

  • 1917

    On the 12th od December, 1917, The Australian royal navie battle cruiser colided with the british cruiser, which caused annoyance in both countries
  • 1919

    At the 'Paris Peace Conference' in 1919, Australia's natives gain the equality that they deserved all along.
  • 1923

    The death of Sir John Gordon (1840-1923) A well known politician and judge.
  • 1924

    The 'country party' resolved there differences between them and the nationalist party. Also, the party leader for the country party replaced himself as the premier of Victoria.
  • 1927

    Massive cyclone hits places near Cairnes. Caused 36 killings and dramatic flooding.
  • 1929

    James Scullin, leader of the Australian Labour party to victory in the 1929 Australian ellection.
  • 1933

    The first set of traffic lights started to operate in Sydeney.
  • 1939

    The first bushfire recorded took place on the 13th of Janurary killing over 70 peoples in Victoria.