The Dutch in Australia 馃嚦馃嚤
The Dutch were the first Europeans to sail to Australia, but they didn't settle there -
The British in Australia 馃嚞馃嚙
The british captain James Cook, sailed around Australia and he named the area "New South Wales", ignoring the Aboriginal people who lived there -
Prisoner as colonists
-During this period, the British transported, with ships called "First fleet", their prisoners to Australia.
- Many free immigrants settled there building businesses, trading posts, farms, et... -
The Aborigines
The Aborigines were killed and separated from society by Europeans.
The tribes that remained in the area were moved to the Reserves -
The perfect colony
Colonization continued because Australia had a good location for the British navy base, so government officials created boundaries for the colonies. -
"White Australia": the segregation
During the 1900s, segregation was an official government
policy, for this reason many aboriginal people don't know their origins -
The Commonwealth of Australia
The Commonwealth of Australia was established and the capital was Melbourne -
Immigration Restriction Act
This act restricted migration to people primarily of European descent.
Today, Australia has a global non-discriminatory policy -
The government helps the Aborigines
The federal government began to pass legislation to help
the Aborigines -
Australia Act 馃嚘馃嚭
With this act all legal ties with the British Empire were severed.
Today, Australia is a parliamentary democracy (constitutional monarchy) with Charles III as a King