
Australia's history

  • Australia named

    Australia named
    Australia is given its name formerly known about New Holland
  • Period: to

    Aborigines taken

    Aborigines are persuaded to come into captivity in exchange for food, clothing and protection
  • Melbourne was founded

    Melbourne was founded
    Melbourne is founded by John Batman and John Fawkner.
  • Right to vote

    Right to vote
    White men who own or are renting property are given the right to vote
  • First long distance railroad

    First long distance railroad
    The first long distance railway was built going from Melbourne to Bendigo
  • All kids must go to school

    All kids must go to school
    A law is passed that children above the age of six must go to school
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The Boer War begins in South Africa where around 12,000 Australians fight on behalf of Britain.
  • Darwin Bombed

    Darwin Bombed
    Australia's first major attack occurs when Darwin is bombed as part of a Japanese air raid
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Australia becomes involved in the Vietnam war.
  • Port Arthur Massacre

    Port Arthur Massacre
    35 people are killed by a lone gunman at Port Arthur in Tasmania