
Australia's Food History

By Deku24
  • 40,000 BCE


    People from what is now Indonesia came to our country and populated it.
  • 3999 BCE

    Pre 4000 BCE

    Pre 4000 BCE
    A bridge connecting Australia and New Guinea was constructed. This led to the Australians and the Papuans sharing plants and animals.
  • Indonesian-Australian trade

    Indonesian-Australian trade
    The first trade between the Aboriginal Australians and the Indonesians was made in this year
  • Pre-1788

    At this time the aboriginal and Tores Strait Islander food culture was entirely based on what nature provided. There was gatherers ho collected vegetation and small land animals, and hunters who hunted larger scale land animals and birds.
  • Colonization

    The arrival of the first fleet of Europeans brought along potatoes, other plants and cattle.
  • Period: to

    Early inventions

    New creations like the Furphy water cart (used to efficiently transport water) and the Sunshine Biscuits factory (a biscuits and confectionary shop) helped improve the production and distribution of food and drink. The making of the Paris House restaurant in Sydney impacted the food culture by making it more sophisticated.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    The great Australian gold rush attracted immigrants from all around the world, and along with the people came many different cultures, cuisines and culinary techniques.
  • Saviours

    Aborigines saved two explorers, Bruce and Will from starvation.
  • Macadamia

    In this year the humble Macadamia nut became the first commercially planted native plant.
  • Vegemite

    In the year 1922 the famous Vegemite was created, one of Australia's most iconic food items.
  • Post WWII

    Post WWII
    Europeans immigrated to Australia and introduced their own cultures and cuisines
  • Pies

    Pies were newly introduced to the people of Bendigo.
  • Asian cuisine

    Asian cuisine
    Asian immigrant brought with them their own cuisine and culinary techniques.
  • Period: to

    Further immigration

    African and middle Easten immigrants arrived, bringing their cuisine with them.
  • McDonalds

    The first McDonalds fast food outlet in Australia opened
  • Bush Tucker Man

    Bush Tucker Man
    The TV show, 'Bush Tucker Man was released, sharing with people around the world, our amazing plants and as the name suggests, Bush Tucker (Native vegetation).
  • Bananas

    The floods that occurred in Queensland highlighted the vulnerability of the banana industry to diseases (like Panama TR4) and impacted production and prices.
  • Diner

    The first indigenous restaurant opens.