
Australia History Timeline

  • Aboriginals of Australia

    Aboriginals of Australia
    The Aboriginals were the indigenous people of Australia. They were the first people there before the Europeans. Their time of settlement is unknown.
  • European arrival

    European arrival
    The first known person to go to Australia was Willem Janszoon in 1606. 19 other Dutch navigators explored the western and southern coasts of Australia. They named the island New Holland.
  • Colonization

    The Europeans made the island into a jail where they put all of the criminals from Europe. About 165,000 people were transported by the British government. One of the first Australian prisons was set up in Tasmania, one of the first British settlements. Eventually, they stopped putting criminals on Australia and Europeans moved there.
  • Effects

    After 150 years of moving prisoners to Australia, the last ship brought 281 convicts to Australia. Since this event crime rates have always been up but recently have been doubling the normal rate.
  • Decolonization

    Oceania nations became independent when they got rid of British leaders in the nations. This is what gave Australia their independence.
  • Australia in modern society

    Australia in modern society
    Australia has done a lot to change and shape of its culture over the years of being a country. Many Australians would say that they are proud of the society they have created because of how unhospitable the land is. In the last 30 years, the population has gone up 51%. People say that this is because of the workforce.