Australia map

Australia History Timeline

  • Claiming of the East Coast

    Claiming of the East Coast
    Capt. James Cook of Great Britain took posession with the East coast. All of Australia was claimed by the British in 1829. A total of 6 colonies were created in the 18th and 19th centuries. After they were federated, they later became the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901.
  • Australia Day

    Australia Day
    The First Fleet of ships arrive at Sydney Cove to create the first settlement in Australia. Sydney was then founded. The date of thier arrival went on to create Australia Day.
  • First Ever Cricket Test Match

    First Ever Cricket Test Match
    England played against Australia in the first cricket test match. About a year after that, Australia toured England for the very first time and were succesful at beating the Englishmen.
  • Robert Menzies Forms Liberal Party

     Robert Menzies Forms Liberal Party
    He wanted the party to be independent of interest groups like really big businesses. And that the party would only get money of individual people in small amounts rather than trade groups or associations.
  • Common Market

    Common Market
    Japan became Australia's chief trading partner. Australia is also New Zealand's most important economic partner.
  • Migration Policy

    Migration Policy
    Australia introduces new immigration laws by cutting off the number of unskilled workers allowed in the country.
  • Aboriginal Land Rights Act

    Aboriginal Land Rights Act
    Aboriginal people are allowed to claim their ancestors' land in the Northern Territory. The bill was signed by the governer of Australia on December 16th, 1976.
  • Sydney 2000 Olympics

    Sydney 2000 Olympics
    Australia hosts the 2000 Olympic Games. Some Winners: Tom Dolan (swimming, USA), Ryko Tamura (judo, Japan), Maurice Greene (athletics, USA).
  • First Female Priminister

    First Female Priminister
    Australia's first female priminister, Julia Gillard takes charge.
  • Australian Aboriginies invent the boomerang

    Australian Aboriginies invent the boomerang
    THIS IS A BC DATE. Aborininies created the first boomerang for hunting. The shape and flight path makes a great tool for hunting birds and small mammals.