Australia History Timeline

  • Australia's First Bank

    Australia's First Bank
    The first bank established in Australia was called The Bank of New South Wales, which was later renamed Westpac. The first cashier and secretary was Edward Smith Hall. It was very important to Australia because it meant the country was getting wealthier.
  • Victoria Became a Colony

    Victoria Became a Colony
    Victoria was separated from New South Wales and became its own colony. It’s now bordered by South Australia and New South Wales. Victoria is seen as a garden state.
  • University of Melbourne

    University of Melbourne
    The University of Melbourne began teaching in 1853. It’s a public university located in Melbourne, Victoria. The university enrolled students from all over the world which helped developing the multi-cultures in Australia.
  • Gold Rush Settlement

    Gold Rush Settlement
    Because of the Gold Rush Settlement, immigrants from all over the world came to Australia for gold. New techniques, skills, food, languages, celebrations, and ways of life were brought to Australia. This made the country very multi-cultured.
  • The Australian Women's Suffrage

    The Australian Women's Suffrage
    In 1889, The Australian Women’s Suffrage Society was formed. The goal of this was to obtain the same rights for women that men had. They argued for rights to own property, equal justice, and many other things. In 1894, South Australian women were the first to grant the right to vote, followed by Western Australian women in 1899.
  • The Great Strike

    The Great Strike
    The Great Strike was one of Australia’s biggest industrial disputes. At Logan Downs Shearing Station in Queensland, workers believed that their paying rates and conditions were unacceptable. This made other people see the limitation of industrial action.
  • Australian Flag

    Australian Flag
    On this day, the original design for the Australian Flag was first flown in Melbourne. This was then proclaimed as the National Flag Day. The design was chosen from a worldwide competition which attracted over 30,000 entries. Even though the design may have been altered a little bit since then, this was still very significant.
  • Canberra Was Chosen as the Capital

    Canberra Was Chosen as the Capital
    Representatives from several states were gathered in Melbourne to debate the location of the capital of the country. Eventually, Canberra was chosen and soon after, a competition for the design of the new city was held. This was a very important decision.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Australian Imperial Force landed at Gallipoli on April 25th. They fought campaigns on the Western front and Middle East. They sacrificed themselves for the freedom and peace that Australia has today.
  • ANZAC Day

    ANZAC Day
    ANZAC Day was officially named by the Acting Prime Minister on April 25th. It is a day was a mark of respect for the people (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who served and sacrificed themselves in the Great War for Civilization.