
  • james cook

    james cook
    Captain James Cook sailed around Australia
  • british left egland

    british left egland
    British ships called the “First Fleet” left England with convicts to establish a prison colony
  • prisoners

    British prisoners settled in Australia
  • South Wales

    South Wales
    New South Wales was officially a penal (prison) colony consisting mainly of convicts, marines (guards), and the marines’ families
  • tribes settled

    tribes settled
    remnants of the tribes in the settled areas were moved onto Reserves
  • British and Irish criminals

    British and Irish criminals
    it was the destination for the hardest of convicted British and Irish criminals, those who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia.
  • boundaries for colonies

    boundaries for colonies
    government officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today
  • separation govern

    separation govern
    separation was an official government policy which lasted for many decades
  • European

    restricted migration to people primarily of European descent
  • helping aborigines

    helping aborigines
    federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines