Australianflag ef1b664c d894 4da1 85fe 29c4a4102de6


  • Discovery of australia

    Discovery of australia
    Three dutch sailors discovered Australia
  • First fleet of British ships

    First fleet of British ships
    The First Fleet was the 11 ships that departed from Portsmouth, England, that became the first European settlement in Australia
  • Period: to

    The black war

    The Black War was the period of violent conflict between British colonists and Aboriginal Australians in Tasmania.
  • The gold rush

    The gold rush
    Significant numbers of workers (both from other areas within Australia and from overseas) relocated to areas in which gold had been discovered
  • The Eureka Stockade

    The Eureka Stockade was caused by a disagreement over what gold miners felt were unfair laws and policing of their work by government.