Australia Between the Wars

  • Jazz music is first played in Australia in Sydney.

  • Australia gains official mandate over New Guinea through Treaty of Versailles.Silent film version of The Sentimental Bloke is released.

  • Official formation of the Australian Country Party.

  • Publication of C.E.W. Bean’s Story of Anzac.

  • American products such as Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Life Savers become available in Australia.

  • Recession in the steel industry leads BHP to close Newcastle steelworks for a year.

  • Commencement of construction of Parliament House in Canberra.

  • Sydney radio station 2FC begins broadcasting.

  • Voting is made compulsory for federal elections.

  • Importation of electric refrigerators from the USA.

  • Australia has 1250 picture theatres; most films screened are from the USA.Car registrations rise to 82 500; highest level until after World War II.

  • Great Depression begins after a general period of recession.

  • North American company, Peters, begins manufacturing ice-cream in Melbourne.

  • Australia and Britain are linked by radio telephone.

  • Sir Isaac Isaacs becomes the first Australian-born Governor-General. Joseph Lyons (former LaborTreasurer) leads the United Australia Party to a massive victory over the Australian Labor Party

  • Sacking of Jack Lang, NSW Premier .Worst year of economic depression: unemployment around 30%.

  • Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge

  • Australian Women’s Weekly commences publication.

  • Donald Bradman and the Bodyline test Cricket series

  • Sesquicentenary celebrations are held in Sydney.