

  • Second Major Settlement van dieman's land

    Second Major Settlement van dieman's land
    Convicts where sent to van dieman's land in Australia to serve their transportation sentence. But they were only sent there if that had committed a crime in Britain.
  • "Australia"

    Governor Macquarie suggested the name 'Australia' rather than 'New Holland' as it has been known in the past. 'Australia' becomes the name used by everyone.
  • Aborigines Were Taken Into Captivity

    Aborigines Were Taken Into Captivity
    Between the time of 1830 and 1834, Aborigines are persuaded to come into captivity in exchange for food, clothing and protection.
  • First Game Of AFL

    First Game Of AFL
    The first recorded game of AFL takes place.
  • The First Melbourne Cup

    The First Melbourne Cup
    The first Melbourne Cup race is run
  • All Children Must Attend School

    All Children Must Attend School
    A law is passed to say that all children over the age of six must attend school.
  • Canberra Is The Australia Capital

    Canberra Is The Australia Capital
    Canberra becomes the nation's capital.
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    World War 1 begins. Australia immediately declares allegiance with the British Empire.
  • Vegemite Is Made

    Vegemite Is Made
    Vegemite is produced for the first time. However, it does not gain popularity until 1950.
  • Milo Is Made

    Milo Is Made
    The greatest food on earth was made. The greatest food on earth was also called Milo.
  • Aboriginals Granted Full Rights

    Aboriginals Granted Full Rights
    Australian Aboriginals granted full rights as Australian citizens. More than 90% of Australians vote 'Yes' in the referendum.