
  • Caption cook lands in Australia

    Captain Cook and his crew first landed at Botany Bay on the twenty-eighth of April 1970. This is where they met the Aboriginal people for the first-time. This sent Australia on the path that it is today and is arguably the biggest moment in Australia’s history.
  • Mathew flinders circumnavigate of Australia

    Matthew Flinders and his crew circumnavigated Australia. This helped Australia learn more about the continent, its reach, and if it was an island. All these things overall contributed positively to Australia, but in the grand scheme of things wasn’t that significant.
  • Changed name to Australia from new Holland

    Dutch navigators first gave it a Dutch name of New Holland. When Matthew Flinders, who was English, completed his circumnavigation, they changed the name to Australia. This change of name is quite insignificant however It is a positive change as it gives the nation greatest sense of pride and unity
  • Adelaide was founded

    The main planer and the man who invited Adelaide and what it could be was William Light. This is quite a significant moment as Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia. If we didn’t have Adelaide, then some other city in South Australia would need to be the capital. I also believe that this is a positive as if Adelaide was not made, then it’s unlikely that most of us would be here today
  • The gold rush starts

    The first person to find an amount of gold to be payable was William Tipple Smith. The gold rush Is a significant event in our timeline as It allows the economy to increase as the more people coming to Australia. This could be seen as a positive or a negative. This is a positive for the reasons I have just stated however it is a negative as aboriginal and was being taken and being used to farm gold
  • First AFL game

    The first game went on for 3 days and ended in a 1 all draw. It is believed that and Aboriginal game named marngrook and Irish football called gaelic football were the inspiration for AFL. The significance of this event cannot be understated as AFL has such a cultural meaning to all Australians, and it is such a big event.
  • First sighting of Uluru

    William Gosse was the first European to discover Uluru which at the time he named Ayers Rock after Henry Ayers, the Chief Secretary of South Australia at the time. This event can be seen as as a bad thing as it shows how white settlers came along and plucked up things and said it was theirs and so overall this has had a negative affect.
  • Ned Kelly hung

    Ned Kelly was hung in the Old Melbourne Gaol and was witnessed by various prison guards and police. His last words were believed, ‘Ah well, I suppose it has come to this’. This event has not contributed too much to getting where Australia is today however, it is still a positive event as it is good to see justice being served.
  • The federation of Australia is formed

    Australia became a federation on 1st January 1901. 6 British colonies united to form the Commonwealth of Australia. This was declared in a ceremony held in Centennial Park in Sydney. This is possibly the most important day in Australian history, as without Federation, Australia wouldn’t be where we are today.
  • Aus send woman to Olympics

    The first female athletes to represent Australia Mina Wyllie and Sarah 'Fanny' Durack. Fanny and Mina won Gold and Silver in the 100m Freestyle at the Stockholm Olympic games in 1912. This event is fairly small in terms of Australia’s history however it does show how Australia was ready to move with the times.