Australia history

By moey05
  • European settlement

    European settlement
    in 1788 when the european settelment began.austrlia aboriganal populatio was about 400000
  • suffregetes

    Suffragettes were members of women's organizations in the late-19th and early-20th centuries which advocated the extension of the "franchise", or the right to vote in public elections
  • gold rush

    gold rush
    with the discovery of gold just out of buthurst in 1851,between 1851a and 1861 over 600000 came
  • white Australian policy

    white Australian policy
    when the colones federated in 1901 migration changed allowing only British and Irish in.
  • multicultrlism

    from the 1950 began to relax the white policy.
  • populate or perish

    populate or perish
    when the war ended,the gov took a entirely new approach to migration.allowing more race in