Australia and the World 1750 - 1918

  • Period: to

    Australia and the World 1750 - 1918

    This timeline will show you where you will visit, and the places relation to each other throughout time!
  • James Cook's Discovery of Australia

    James Cook's Discovery of Australia
    James Cook, a British naval captain, navigator and explorer, discovered Australia on the 29th of April 1770 aboard the HMS Endeavour. He claimed the East side of it for the British Empire then returned home.
  • Involuntary Migration of Convicts From Great Britain to Australia

    Involuntary Migration of Convicts From Great Britain to Australia
    From 1788 to 1868, convicts were transported from Great Britain to Australia. In 1788, the First Fleet carrying hundreds of convicts from Britain, arrived in Port Jackson, where they would settle, and begin to colonise Australia.
  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    On the 14th of February 1789, the first president of the United States was elected unanimously, receiving 69/69 possible electoral votes.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    From the 14th of July, 1789 (when revolutionists stormed the Bastille Prison) - 1799, a violent revolution in France was in full force, with the lowest class of society and King Louis XVI in the middle of it. This revolution resulted in a new constitution for France.
  • Michael Faraday’s Invention of the Electric Motor

    Michael Faraday’s Invention of the Electric Motor
    In 1821, Michael Faraday invented the first electric motor. This invention revolutionised technology forever.
  • Victorian Gold Rush

    Victorian Gold Rush
    On the 12th of February 1851, Edward Hargraves discovered a ‘grain of gold’ in a waterhole near Bathurst. This sparked the Victorian Gold Rush that lasted for nearly a decade.
  • Commodore Matthew Perry’s Arrival in Japan

    Commodore Matthew Perry’s Arrival in Japan
    In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in Japan. After more than a year of negotiation, Japan gave way to Perry and began to modernise in fear of attacks from other advanced countries.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Abolishment of Slavery

    Abraham Lincoln's Abolishment of Slavery
    On the 22nd of September 1862 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States. This caused many problems within the Southern regions of America.
  • The Federation of Australia

    The Federation of Australia
    On the 1st of January 1901 Australia declared itself the Commonwealth of Australia, officially becoming an independent country of Great Britain.
  • The Wright Brother’s Invention of the First True Aeroplane

    The Wright Brother’s Invention of the First True Aeroplane
    On 17 December 1903, the Wright Brothers flew the first successful aeroplane in history. They continued to develop their designs and in 1908 they created their first practical aircraft that could carry 2 people over long distances.