
  • Discovery of Australia

    The Dutch arrived Australia in three different places in 1606.
  • First Fleet of British ships

    Britain arrived Australia
  • Period: to

    The Black War

    A war between the British colonies and the Aboriginals. The war was on the island Tasmania.
  • The Gold Rush

    It was discovered gold, and many workers relocated to areas in which gold hac been discovered.
  • The Eureka Stockade

    It was a rebellion and was the culmination of long-standing grievances on the part of the miners
  • The Commonwealth of Australia

    The Commonwealth of Australia was founded.
  • The stolen generation

    Indigenous children got taken from their families. They were sent to white families to be assimilated.
  • WWI - Invasion of Turkey

    1/10 of the population volunteered to the the British invading Turkey. About 8000 of them lost their lives.