Australianhistory 194pvk3

The History of Australia by Kylie

By cpps5lf
  • The Aboriginals

    The Aboriginals
    The Aboriginals were in Australia before anyone else. Some people believe this but some people don't. The aboriginal people have dark skin, flat wide noses and their face is usually painted. For centuries they have told us stories with paintings.
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    Captain Cook was the one who found Australia on 1780. He was married and had 6 children. He was very famous and lots of people knew his name. He was a legend! He had a tragic death. He was murdered at Hawaii in an arguement over a stole boat. He was stabbed repeatedly.
  • Governor John Hunter

    Governor John Hunter
    John Hunter was a navy officer in the First Fleet. He was important because if Governor Arthur Phillip died or was absent. He took this roll honourably. On the First Fleet, he was on the boat 'Sirius'. John Hunter's difficulty soon began. Phillips had left and Francis Grose took control. He gave amounts of land to anyone who wanted them. When John had control again, he started putting things into place. Some things changed but he wasn't at all sucsessful.
  • Captain Arthur Phillip

    Captain Arthur Phillip
    Captain Arthur Phillip was the governor of The First Fleet. He was conisdered a very important man. He controlled the group of the First Fleet. The people that put him in charge was the goverment back at England.
  • Joseph Banks

    Joseph Banks
    Joseph Banks was an English naturalist and a botanist. A botanist is a person who studies plants. Joseph Banks took part in Captain Cook's first voyage (the one that found Australia). Joseph Banks studied the plants at Australia. Though many people died young, Joseph did not. He died at the age of 67 on the 19th of June 1820. How he died is unknown. People say he died of age and others say of a disease.
  • Captain Matthew Flinders

    Captain Matthew Flinders
    Matthew Flinders was an English navigator. He was the first to sail around Australia and identify it as a continent. Matthew has made 3 voyages to the southern ocean. He was also a cartographer. A cartographer is a person who makes maps.
  • Australia was Found

    Australia was Found
    Captain James Cook found Australia in 1780. People say Captain Cook was not the one that found Australia but other people disagree. Some people think that the europeans found Australia first.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The First Fleet consisted of 11 ships. On some of the ships there were women, men, children, animals and food.
  • John Batman

    John Batman
    John Batman was an Australian grazier and explorer. He rose in expectations as time went past. He was becoming better and better at things.
  • The crossing of the Blue Mountains

    The crossing of the Blue Mountains
    The land was getting very populated with convicts and the settlers. They were surrounded by mountains... The Blue Mountains. So, 3 explorers set off to cross The Blue Mountains and find some new land. After almost a month they had crossed the Blue Mountains.
  • Gold mining

    Gold mining
    Gold was first found in Bathurst in NSW, then in Victoria near a place that had become Ballarat. After the gold had been found, people went crazy! Some quit their jobs on the hunt for gold!! After a few months people were here, there, everywhere looking for gold. Then everything was calmer.
  • ANZAC Day

    ANZAC Day
    ANZAC stands for Asutralian New Zealand Army Corps. It is the day we remember the people who died in the war. On ANZAC day, some people wear a red poppy. This is because at the graves of the dead soilders the ground was red (blood) and people noticed red flowers growing among the graves.