Ptolemy Universe - Geocentric - Earth Centered
Period: 150 to Apr 15, 1543
Catholic Church believe Heliocentric Universe Theory
Apr 15, 1543
Copernicus - Heliocentric System - Planets in Cricular Orbits
Bruno - Infinite Universe - Sun nor Earth at the Center
Brahe - Geocentric + Heliocentric - Sun Revolves around Earth, Planets revolve around Sun
Kepler - 3 Laws - 3 Laws are Created that tell about Steller Movement
Galileo - 1st Telescope - Discoveres heliocentric system
Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosopy - Confirm
Bessel - Paralax - The First Steller Paralax is Noted
Leaviitt - Size of Steller Objects - Measured by brightness/periodicity
Einstein - Theory of Relativity -Foundation for mordern Cosmology
Lemaitre - Early Version of Big Bang - First Version
Hubble - Hubble Law - Speed that galaxies move away from earth
Zwicky - Dark Matter - The first indication of dark matter is discovered
Gamow - "Orgins of Chemical Elements" - basis of modern big bang theory
Hoyle - Disagrees with big bang - Universe has always looked like it presently does
Penzias, Wilson - Microwave backround radiation - great evidence of big bang
Rubin, Ford - Stellar Movements on Edge of Galaxies - Evidence of dark matter
COBE - FInds microwave backround - Finds temperature of 2.726 degress above absolute zero
U.S. and Australian Scientists - Universe expantion - shows that the universe is constantly moving apart while getting consistently faster (dark matter)
WMAP - measures temperature differences - shows universe was irregular
Universe Maps - shows distribution of galaxies is not uniform