Father of Positive Philosophy
Auguste Comte
Born January 19, 1798 in Montpellier, France
Died September 5, 1857 in Paris, France -
Early Life
1814 entered the École Polytechnique, a school in Paris
1816 The school Shutdown and Comete ended up taking permanent residence in Paris
Made ends meet by teaching mathematics and journalism -
1826 to 1830 gave lectures on “system of positive philosophy”
1830 to 1842 Comete devoted 12 years into developing his
his publication (in six volumes) of his philosophy in a work entitled Cours de philosophie positive -
Positive Philosophy
Positive Philosophy sciences were developed into three stages, theological, metaphysical, and positive
Positive Science doesn't use spirits or abstract forces but on precise relationships
Sociology was the "Culmination" of the process Link to video explanation of Positive Philosophy: https://study.com/academy/lesson/comtes-3-stages-of-society-theory-of-positivism.html