August Wilson Timeline

  • Birth of August Wilson

    Birth of August Wilson
    Birth name Frederick August Kittel was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania apart of the Hill district community. Having sixth siblings and being the youngest. The mother was Daisy Wilson, an African American cleaning woman. His father, Frederick Kittel was a German immigrant and baker that was mostly absent.
  • Moving to Hazelwood, Pittsburgh

    Moving to Hazelwood, Pittsburgh
    Hazelwood was predominantly a white suburb and as his mother being black and his dad being white, they would mostly receive racial threats. which he would express in his plays.
  • Period: to

    Struggle of highschool

    Wilson attended Central Catholic Highschool, being the only few African Americans he got removed from the school and enrolled into another high school but got accused of plagiarism which led him to self-education.
  • Changing last name

    Changing last name
    August changed his last name from Kittel to Wilson after his father died, making his last name the same as his mothers.
  • Period: to

    Black art movement

    Black art movement let the black community take liberation in expressing themselves through poetry and writing making their own art. During these times Wilson was a young adult that was moved with this movement and took great part of it, to later on make a theater.
  • Cofounder of black horizons theatre

    Cofounder of black horizons theatre
    In the 60's Wilson joined a group of artists during the black art movement and met Rob Penny through the group. Which together they founded the black horizon theatre for the black community.
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    Career of poetry writing

    August Wilson got introduced to poetry at a very young age, studying in libraries since he dropped out of school. He even stole a typewriter to writing his own poets. Going around the streets of Hill he would get his character for his poems by listening to people's conversation and get ideas. Some of the works he did include: "Bessie" (1971), "Recycling" (1973), "Fullerton Street" (1980), "Jitney" (1982), "Two Trains Running" (1990), "Seven Guitars" (1996).
  • Sakina Ansari-Wilson

    Sakina Ansari-Wilson
    Sakina Ansari-Wilson was born in 1970 and is the first child August Wilson had in the total of two.
  • First failed marriage

    First failed marriage
    In 1969, Wilson married Brenda Burton for about 3 to 4 years before getting divorced. In the middle of it they had a child together named Sakina in 1970.
  • Moving to Minnesota

    Moving to Minnesota
    At the begging of Wilsons career, he moved to St. Paul Minnesota and from there he got fellowship to the Minnesota Playwrights Center. Leading to the acceptance into National Playwright Conference in Connecticut. Joining Penumbra Theater.
  • Period: to

    2nd Failed Marriage

    August Wilson married Judy Oliver for 9 years total before getting a divorce. There were no children born during their marriage.
  • Ma Rainey's black bottoms

    Ma Rainey's black bottoms
    Being his first major play, it opened on Broadway in 1984 becoming a huge success. Set in Chicago of 1927 portraying African American life. Focusing on a blues singer portraying violence against other black people.
  • Tony Award for best play

    Tony Award for best play
    Wilson's play called Fences opens up on Broadway to later achieve his second New York Drama Critics award and his first Pulitzer Prize.
  • Award for best American play

    Award for best American play
    Two Trains Running open on Broadway, making Wilson win New York Drama Critics Circle Award for best American Play.
  • 3rd marriage

    3rd marriage
    This marriage would be the last as it went on until Wilsons death. During this marriage he would have another daughter named Azula, the mother being Constanza Romero (Custom designer).
  • The end of working with Lloyd Richards

    The end of working with Lloyd Richards
    For nearly two decades Wilson worked with Lloyd for his plays at Yale Rep. Lloyd was a father figure and mentor to Wilson when working together as Lloyd was the director for his plays. To mention Lloyd directed Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Fences, Joe Turner's Come and Gone.
  • Azula

    This would be the 2nd and last daughter Wilson would have in his life. Being born on August 27, 1997.
  • Great Britian's Oliver Award

    Great Britian's Oliver Award
  • Terminal Liver cancer

    Terminal Liver cancer
    In June Wilson got diagnosed with liver cancer and did not how much time to live as this was very serious case.
  • Death of Wilson

    Death of Wilson
    With the battle of cancer Wilson was dealing with. It didn't last long as he would be pronounced dead at age 60. His funeral being held at Soldiers and sailor's memorial hall in Pittsburgh.