Audrey Hepburn

  • Audrey Hepburn was born

    Audrey Hepburn was born
    Audrey Kathleen Ruston (her birth name) was born May 4th, 1929 at Ixelles. She was the daughter of Ella Van Heemstra and Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston.
  • Audrey was sent to live with relatives

    Audrey was sent to live with relatives
    During World War II, Hepburn's mother sent her away to live with relavtives. This was because German soilders invaded their town. Hepburn's mother thought it was safe to send her away.
  • Audrey and James are engaged

    Audrey and James are engaged
    Audrey and James Hanson are engaged. She called it love at first sight. However, after the date was set and the dress was fitted, Audrey cancellled the wedding. With both of their work schedules, she thought the marriage would not work.
  • Audrey and Mel Ferrer's wedding

    Audrey and Mel Ferrer's wedding
    September 24th, 1954 Mel Ferrer and Audrey had their wedding. it was a civil ceremony with friends and family attending.
  • It's a boy!

    It's a boy!
    Audrey gave birth to her first son, Sean.
  • Audrey and Mel are no longer together

    Audrey and Mel are no longer together
    On December 5, 1968, after 14 years of marriage, Audrey and Mel sadly divorce.
  • Audrey and Andrea marry

    Audrey and Andrea marry
    Audrey met Italian psychologist, Andrea Dotti on a cruise and fell in love with him on a trip to Greek ruins. They married on January 18th, 1969.
  • Another boy!

    Another boy!
    Audrey and Andrea have their son, Luca Dotti. while pregnant with Luca, Audrey was very careful with how she spent her time, as she did not want to have another miscarriage.
  • Another divorce

    Another divorce
    After 13 years of marriage, Hepburn and Dotti divorce. Even though sean thought of dotti as 'fun', dotti had affairs with younger women, the cause of their divorce.
  • Audrey Hepburn dies

    Audrey Hepburn dies
    On January 20th, 1993 Hepburn passes away. In late 1992, Hepburn was diagnosed with appendiceal cancer. Refusing any treatment, including chemo thearpy, Hepburn died in her home in Switzerland. until her death, she was romanticly involved with Robert Wolders.