Democritus - 429 B.C.
First person to think of the atom. The atom was a solid cirlce. -
Aristotle - 400 B.C.
He discoverd the four elements of life: air, wind, water, fire. His model was a diamond dividing the elements into it's corners. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Tiny pieces of mass. His model was a solid circle. -
John Dalton- 1766-1844 (Theory dev. in 1803)
Dalton's Atomic Theory.
All matter is composed of atoms (T)
Atoms can't be made or destroyed (F)
Atoms of same elements are identical (T)
Different elements=different atoms (T)
Model: circle (not filled in)
Chemical reactions occur when atoms are rearranged (F)
Compounds are formed from atoms of different elements (T) -
Henri Becquerel
Discovered radioactivity
Model:solid circle -
JJ Thomson
Discovered electrons
Model: Cirlce containing negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons
Cathode Ray Tube -
Measured charge and mass of an electron
Model: negatively charged electrons and a large cross through the center -
Atom has a central positive nucleus surrounded by nagative orbiting electrons
Model: negatively charged electrons surrounding a positive nucleus -
Niels Bohr
electrons in orbit
positively charged nucleus Model contains 3 rings and a dot in the middle -
mass spectrometer
discovered isotopes Model: 2 rings and a colored in circle in the middle -
Atomic Model
Atom consists of clouds and nucleus
Discovered formula
Calculated odds of where an electron might be
Proved Bohr wrong -
James Chadwick
Discovered the neutron Model: vertical and horizontal rings connected through the center