The very first Audio Player was invented in 1857 by Leon Scott de Martinsville.The Phonautograph could record but could not produce any sound -
the phonograph was built by Thomas Edison -
Audio cassette
The Audio Cassette was invented in 1963 by Philips, it offered music in a small and more portable way -
The walkman
The Walkman was invented in 1979 by Nobutoshi Kihara, the Walkman combined a cassette tape and a pair of headphones -
First MP3 Player
Tomislav Uzelac created the first successful mp3 -
apples First IPod
Apples first iPod was mainstreamed in 2001. this iPod made digital music more significant -
IPod touch
In 2007 apple then released the iPod touch, the iPod touch offered as a music player and also had the app store on it