Pigeons Joined the war
Pigeons were used in war to capture pictures of the enemy. The Germans test this by putting a small camera with a timer on it. This was popular in 1914 as well as using pigeons to send messages to other soliders. -
Flame Throwers
Flame Throwers were first used by Germans in February. The flame throwers were at first just an idea but reached full potenital during trench warfare. Unlike grenades, flame throwers could burn the enemy soldiers alive in confined spaces. -
Lusitania Sinks
The Lusitania was a British submarine that carried in 1,198 people. Then on May 7, 1915 the ship sank killing dozens of people. It is said to have been taken down by a German torpedo. -
Tracer Bullets
The tracer bullets was used successfully in 1916. The bullet emitted a regular bright green-white trial. It was used and invented by Britain and the bullets made it easy to take down German zeppelins. -
Zimmerman Telegram
On January 25th a German offical named Arther Zimmerman sent a telegram to a German ambassador in Mexico. If Mexico agreed to become an alley like the telegram asked, Germany promised Mexico lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The British intellengce retrieve the message and relayed it the Americans. -
U.S Enters War
On April 6,1917 the congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. The U.S entered the war on the side of France and Britain. The U.S remained active in the war for close to two years. -
Marine Guard Ships
In his journal Nice note, Early on May 1st, 1917 the Marine Guards of ships were sent to Portsmouth Barraks. There the ships were organized into companies. The U.S.S New Hampshire joined the 49th Company with the 15th Company from Pensacola, Floridia. -
About William Fredrick Nice
William Fredrick Nice was stationed in France in 1917. He was apart of Marine Corps. Nice was ranked a Second Lieutenant, and was given the nickname " Gunner Nice of the Devil Dogs". -
Camels in the War
In Australia where horses aren't popular so camels were used to relocate and carry supplies. Then in December was when camels were widely used and started to get noticed as animals in war. Camels though were also killed in war, but were remembered as sturdy, strong, and there help. -
Germany and Russia
The Germans signed a peace treaty with the Bolshevile government of the Russia on March 3,1918. The Treaty gave Germany huge tracts of land that had been Ukraine, Poland, and gave them peace on the Eastern fronts. That peace allowed Germany to move soldiers to the Western front causing serious problems for the French, British, and Americans. -
Letter to Nice's Father
On May 8th, 1918 Nice wrote his father to inform him that he is in great healthand is growing. He also informed his Dad about how when they move they take everything on their backs. Nice made sure to include serveral times that he is eating and life is doing good and that he shouldn't worry. -
Saved a Life
William and his friend Louis were on a hike when they came across a French Red Cross Hospital. They went inside to see if any American Soldiers were inside, and there was only one. The man had an odd case where the doctors didn't understand english. So William and Lois went out and located the American Red Cross leader and brought him to the hospital. There the American saved the man, and to thank them the French Doctor treated them to a big meal in a mansion. -
Hill 142
On June 6th, 1918 the Second Division snatched the intiative from the Germans. This then started an offenstive, and the Marine Brigate capture Hill 142. Immediently after that hostile counter attacks took place. These attacks went on for awhile. -
Armistice Day
The German emporer stepped down on November 9th. That action led to the signing on the Western Fronts to end the war. So on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month WW1 was ended and the day was named Armisice Day which is now remembered as Vertans Day honoring the veterans. -
Dogs in War
Many dogs were involved in WW1. Near St. Quentin 1918 a German dog ran out and was used as a messenger. Dogs also won awards, moved sentries, scouts, resceurs, and move.