
Aubrey L.

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Saddam Hussein was captured

    Saddam Hussein was captured
  • Mars exploration rovers

    Mars exploration rovers
  • moved to y current house

    moved to y current house
  • my brother was born

    my brother was born
  • hurricane katrina hit

    hurricane katrina hit
  • learned how to ride a bike

    learned how to ride a bike
  • Barak Obama was elected president

    Barak Obama was elected president
  • I met my bestfriend Emily

    I met my bestfriend Emily
  • Played on my first volleyball team

    Played on my first volleyball team
  • tsunami in the phillippines hit

    tsunami in the phillippines hit
  • Joplin tornados hit

    Joplin tornados hit
  • moved to California

    moved to California
  • Fukushima nuclear meltdown

    Fukushima nuclear meltdown
    after the earthquake and tsunami the power plant melted down and the radiation whent into the ocean.
  • moved back to missouri

    moved back to missouri
  • Nepal earthquake

    Nepal earthquake