attomic theroey

  • 100


    Democritus proposed that attoms are the smallest particles and can not be broken down between the yearsof 460 bc and 370 he named it an attom and was ahead of his time
  • 350


    aristoottle came up with 4 prisipal ideas of elements:1. Atoms are the smallest substance and can not be broken down.2. Atoms of the same are the same and ones that are different are different.3. Atoms mix to make new substances. 4. In chemical reactions elements are combined, rearranged or separated.
  • Cadwick

    He was the man who discovered the nutron.
  • John dalton

    John dalton
    alton came up with 4 prisipal ideas of elements:
    1. Atoms are the smallest substance and can not be broken down.
    2. Atoms of the same are the same and ones that are different are different.
    3. Atoms mix to make new substances.

    4. In chemical reactions elements are combined, rearranged or separated.
  • Crookes

    He made a tude to show how electrons traveled.
  • mandelev

    He made the periodic table of elements
  • Tomson

    He held a magnet at one end of tube and cuased the path of the attoms to turn. So he discovered that they were atracted to the positivly charged end so he discovered that electrons are negativly charged.
  • rutherford

    He sent tiny particles through gold foil and they went through with little to no resistance.
  • Bohr

    He proposed that he electrons move around the nucleaus of the attom in waves.
  • Schrödinger

    He expanded more upon the ideas of bohr about how electrons came in cloudes