Dalton's model
A British chemist concluded that each elemet have exactly same atoms. He also thought that each element's atoms mass is different. he thought of them as small balls. -
Thomson's model
The Britis scientist J.J. Thomson found the electron. he makes a new model with the atom being a positively charged sphere with electrons within it. he described it being like a muffin with the berries being like the electrons. -
Nagaoka Model
A japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka porposed a model of the atom with a positively charged sphere in the middle with electrons orbiting it. -
Rutherford Model
Britsh physicist Ernest Rutherford saw that the atom is mostly empty space. Electrons randomly orbit the positively charged nulceus. -
Bohr Model
Danish physicist Niels Bohr proposed a model that showed eletrons moving in specific layers and not randomly. he said that atoms asorb or give off energy when the electrons move from one shell to another. -
Chadwick Model
James Chadwick dicovered why atoms where heavier than the total mass of their electrons and protons. he dicovered that atoms also have neutrons. -
The current model that we use today. Electrons form a negatively charged arond the nucleus like a cloud. The elactrons move so fast that is impossible to tell where the elactrons are.