Aristotle beleived that matter could be broken up indivisibly and never reacha smallest point. He also beived everything was made from a combination of earth, fire, air, or water. -
Democritus beleived that matter could be broken down until it reached its smallest form (atoms). -
Antione Lavoisier
Lavoisier discovered the conservation of mass law. This law stated that the mass of an atom cannot change quantaty if it is added or removed. -
Proust discovered the law of conservation of proportions. this law states that every material that is made up of multiple elements will always have the same proportion of elements in that compound. -
John Dalton
John Dalton proposed the atomic theory which was that all elements are made of atoms which were indistructable and can not be broken down. he aso proposed that atoms of the same element were identical. -
Thompson discovers the electron
Thompson performed the cathode ray tube experiment in 1897 and discovered electrons from the negatively charged ray. He then created the plum pudding model of the atom. the atom have small electrons surrounded by positive matter. this was a major scientific breakthrough because it was the first discovery of a subatomic particle. -
Max Planck
Planck is considered to be the official founder of the quatum theory which revolutionized the understanding of atomic structure and subatomic particles -
In 1909 rutherford performed his gold foil experiment which resulted in the discovery of the nucleus and proton. From this he also discovered that the atom is mostly empty space. This also proved the plum pudding model to be wrong. This Discovery lead to the creation of the planetary model. -
Heisnberg discovered the uncertianty principle which stated that it is physically impossible to observe the behavior of an atom. This is because when observing an atom it effects the behavior of the atom. He also contributed to quantum mechanics which states that it is imposible to know the exact location of subatomic particles wthin an atom and the location of an atom itself. -
James Chadwick
Chadwick already knew that most of the mass in each atom was concetrated in the neucleus. He found that there had to be another subatomic particle in the nucleus that was he neutral charge. He named the subatomic particle the neuttron. -
Albert Einstein
Einstein actually proved that atoms existed instead of theorizing it. He used quantum mechanics to prove their existance.his discovery also helped explain how atoms are structureed. -
Bohr discovered that electrons moved in a fixed orbit and contributed to the quantum theory. Discovering that electrons moved in a fixed orbit contributed to this theory because the quantum theory explains the movement of atom and subatomic particles.the model that he created had electrons that orbited the nucleus like panets in a solar system