joseph proust
studie different sources of compounds and found that they contained some ratio by weight of their elements. his conclusion was the ratio by mass of the element in a chemical by weight of their compounds. -
john daulton
he concluded matter is made of atoms that are in dentisle atoms that cannot be destroted or rerarrenged in a reaction-the modern day thoery. -
amedo avogando
published an article on atoms and molicles. he suggested that "equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molicles" known as avogadro's principle. -
dmitri mendeleev
he proposed the periodic law, developed the periodic table. it was the first table arranged according to the increasing atomic weight and left holes for elements that have not been discovered yet. -
jj thompson
he used a cathade ray tube to infer that their are small particles inside every atom. -
marie curie
marie curie contibuted to atomic chemistry by exploring the mysterys of radioactivity. for her works in radioactivity she won the nobel peace prize. she alsodiscoverd two elemnets radium and polorium. -
hans geiger
helped with ernest on the famous gold foil experiment and the geiger-counter resulted from their exploration. -
ernst rutherford
his gold foil experiment shot positivley charged beams through particles in the gold foil to prove the beams could go through the gold foil for all instances. -
neils bohr
he is the father of the Quantom theory which propoesd that the atom is succesive or bital shells of electron. he also came up with the "bohr planetary model". -
enrico fermi
created the first chain reaction in which the the energy from the atom nucleus was released.