460 BCE
He was a greek philosopher, suggested that all matter was formed of different types of tiny discrete particles and that the properties of these particles also determined the properties of matter. -
330 BCE
Solar System Model
The solar system model was first created by Heraclids -
301 BCE
he was a Greek Philosopher, reality is divided into two sections the eternal, real, and perfect ideal of what should be, and the phenomena of what exists in the physical world as we perceive it. -
Robert Boyle
He was a funding royal society also a Irish philosopher the volume of a gas decreases with increasing pressure and the famous Boyle's law. A leading scientist and intellectual of his day, he was a great proponent of the experimental method. -
The alchemists
Alchemists developed practical knowledge about matter as well as sophisticated theories about its hidden nature and transformations. They started in 1700 -
John Dalton
He was a english metrologist and chemist a pioneer in a developments of modern atomic theory -
Antone Lavoisier
He determined that oxygen was a key substance in combustion and he gave the element its name -
Dmitri Mendeleev
A russian chemist he also created the periodic table -
Erwin Schrödinger
He discovered formulated a wave equation that accurately calculated the energy levels of electrons in atoms. -
JJ Thompson
He discovered the eletron, In 1897 Thomson discovered the electron and then went on to propose a model for the structure of the atom. His work also led to the invention of the mass spectrograph. -
Robert Millikan
He was an american physicist the famous oil drop experiment -
Ernest Rutherford
He discovered the atom also discovered alpha and beta rays -
Albert Eistein
He won noble prize, also German and a physicist -
Neils Bohr
He was a Danish physicist who is genially regarded as one of the foremost physicist -
Henry G J Mosley
The frequency of x ray radiation has a precise mathematics relationship to an elements atomic number -
James Chadwich
He proves the existance of neutrons -
Pierre and Marie Curie
They found the existance of the element radium and polonium -
Plum Pudding Model
The electrons were embedded in a uniform sphere of positive charge, like blueberries stuck into a muffin created by JJ Thomson -
Eletron Cloud Model
Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg developed the electron cloud model in 1926. The model is a tool for visualizing the most likely electron positions in an atom -
Werner Heisenberg
He discovered formulated a type of quantum mechanics based on matrices. In 1927 he proposed the uncertainty relation setting limits for how precisely the position and velocity of a particle can be simultaneously determined