Atomic theory timeline

  • 400

    Democrits (400 B.C.

    Democritis is a greek philospher that propsed that small particles called atoms make up all of matter
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    a Brittish scientist reintroduces the concept of atoms and then finds evedance to support his idea of atoms.
  • James Marshall

    James Marshall
    strikes gold and starts the California gold rush
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    discovered the positively chardged nucleus of the atom and was a physicist from New Zealand
  • Bohr

    Niels Bohr, a danish scientist who worked with Rutherford and suggested that electrons traveled around the nuclueas in definite paths

    Bohr's model of the atom is important because it introduced the concept of the quantum in explaining atomic properties
  • Modern atomic theory

    Modern atomic theory
    Bohr's model of the atom is important because it introduced the concept of the quantum in explaining atomic properties