400 BCE
Birth-460 BC
Death- 370 BC
He proposed that atoms were uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, and indestructible and that they moved in infinite numbers through empty space until stopped.
Fun Fact- He travel as far east as India and as far south as Ethiopia. -
John Dalton
Birth- September 5,1766
Death- July 27,1844
John Dalton proposed that all matter is made up of extremely small particles. He also proposed that atoms of the same element have identical size, mass, and other properties. Atoms of different elements don't have these same properties.
Fun Fact- He was born into a Quaker family. -
Sir JJ John Thomson
Birth- December 18,1856
Death- August 30,1940
JJ Thomson proposed a experiment with cathode ray tube showing that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged particles or electrons.
Fun Fact- JJ Thomson works aside of Niels Bohr -
Ernest Baron Rutherford
Birth- August 30, 1871
Death- October 19,1937
Ernest Rutherford proposed that the Atom has a dense positively charged core calling it the nucleus. he also said that all the mass in the atom revolves around the nucleus like planets revolve around the sun.
Fun Fact- He was the first person to win the Nobel Prize from Oceania. -
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Birth- October 7, 1885
Death- November 18, 1962
Niels Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a set size and energy.
Fun Fact- An element was named after him. -
Robert Andrew Millikan
Birth- March 22,1868
Death- December 19,1953
Robert Millikan proved electrons exist. He made an oil experiment proving the existence.
Fun Fact- He enjoyed tennis and golf -
Erwin Schrodinger
Birth- August 12,1887
Death- January 4,1967
Erwin Schrodinger calculated the energy level in from electrons in a atom.
Fun Fact- He earned a PhD at the age of 23 -
Werner Heisenberg
Birth- December 5,1901
Death- February 1,1976
Werner Heisenberg formulated a type of quantum mechanics based on matrices.
Fun fact he grew up in Würzburg, Germany. -
Sir James Chadwick
Born- October 20,1891
Death- July 24,1974
James Chadwick proved the existence of neutron.
Fun Fact- When he moved to New Mexico during the Manhattan Project, he was given the alias James Chaffee, for security purposes.