Aristotle considered inductive and deductive reasoning. Initially, Aristotle did not believe in the idea of the Atomic Theory. He preached that all substances were made of fire, water, air and earth. -
Democritus developed the initial idea of the atom. -
John Dalton
John Dalton's theory stated that all matter is composed of atoms. You cannot decompose an atom. All atoms are identical. His theory remains valid. -
Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier kept the idea of balance in mind while making a theory about the atom. -
Joseph Louis Proust
He was a french chemist. His theory stated that no matter how a compound was created, they are each composed of the exact amount of proportions of elements. -
MIchael Faraday
He discovered electromagnetic induction. -
Albert Einstein
He developed the theory of relativity. -
Henri Becquerel
In 1897, Becquerel accidentally discovered that uranium salts spontaneously emitted a penetrating radiation that could be registerted on a photographic plate. -
Joseph John Thomson
Thomson discovered the electron. He pictured the atom as a sphere of positive matter charged by electrons. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
Following the work of others before her, Marie created the term "radioactive" and discovered the radioactivity elements and substance, such as pitchblend. -
Max PLanck
He was led to the problem of distribution of energy in the spectrumof full radiation. -
Robert Millikan
Millikan measured the charge of an electron. Thoman's hypothesis is verified and Millikan confirmed that the mass of an electron is 1000 times smaller than the smallest atom. -
Ernest Rutherford
He was awarded the nobel prize in chemistry for 1908. He discovered radioactivity. This included alpha and beta rays. -
Niels Bohr
He was honored as one of the best scientists of modern physics. He is best known for his knowledge towards quantum theory and won a nobel prize on his knowledge of the atom. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Schrodinger followed the atomic model opf Niels Bohr and using a thesis from de Broglie, he articullated the movements of electrons in terms of wave mechanics as opposed to particle leaps. -
Louis Debroglie
He began to develope the idea of the wave mechanics theory. He won a nobel prize for his work in 1929. He understood the physical nature of the atom. -
James Chadwick
In 1932, Chadwik made an exquisite discovery. He discovered the existence of neutrons; tiny atoms without any electrical charge. -
Glenn T. Seaborg
Discovered transuranium elements.