He proposed the first idea of the atom. -
Made the Law of conservation of Mass -
Created the Law of Definite Proportions -
Found the Law of Combining Vomlumes. -
John Dalton
Found the Law of Multiple Proportions and proposed the first atomic theory. -
Amedeo Avogardo
Equal volumes of gases, under the same conditions have the same number of particles. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
discovered the x-ray -
Henry Bequerel
Discovered that uranium ores emit radiation. -
JJ Thompson
Used cathode rays to discover the electron measured the bending of the rays to determine the charge to mass radio of the electron -
Max Planck
discovered the quantum theory -
Albert Einstein
discovered the photoelectric effect -
ernest Rutherford
Discovered the nuclear model -
Robert Millikan
Performed the oil drop experiment. -
Henry Mosley
Used x-ray to discover the atomic number of an element -
Niels Bohrs
Improved the Atomic Model -
DeBroglies Hypothesis
If waves can behave like particles, then particles can behave like waves. -
Shrodingers wave equation. Treat the electron like a wave. -
Its impossible to know both position and velocity at the same time -
James Chadwick
Discovered the neutron