He hypothyzied the exsistance of atoms. Discovered the atomic theory. His experiment was breaking a seashell until he could'nt break it anymore. (429BCE). -
Antoine Lavoisier
He discovered that atoms can't be created or destroyed. His experiment to prove this was heating pure mercury in a swan-necked retort over a charcoal furnace fro twelve days. -
John Dalton
Discovered and proposed a scientific theory relating to Democritus' atomic theory. He experiments on mixtures of gases to detrermine what effects the properties of the individual gases. He describing atoms, how it is of the same element and that they all look the same. -
J.J Thomson
He discovered the electron. He proved that electrons (something smaller than the atom) revolves aorund the atom at a fast speed. He also discovered that the electron was negativley charged. He also made an atom model called Thomson's Plum Pudding. He said it has positive and negative things in the atom. -
Max Planck
He created the Planck's Quantum Theory using the equation E=hv. He discoverd how things was made, and its mass. -
Albert Einstein
He proved mathematically that atoms exsist. He proved that atoms exsist using the equation E=mc2. He proved the exsistance of atoms through Brownian motion. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
They discovered two new elements for the pereodic table, radium and polonium. They also discovered that the atom is divisible. They're experiment was observing the emissions of barium and making the nucleus smaller. Discovrerd through radioactive theory, and that atoms can be broken up. -
Ernest Rutherford
He discovered that atoms have a nucleus. He conducted the gold foil alpha particle scattering experiment. He then relized that atoms go through the foil, but it did not deflected off in multiple directions. He also made an atom model. He did not reinforce J.J Thomsons atom model. -
Neils Bohr
He discovered the atomic stucture. He created one of the first accurate atom models. He reinforced the Planck's Quantum Theory. He also dicovered electrons orbit around the nucleus. -
James Chadwick
He discovered neutrons and that neutrons had no charge. His main experiment was shooting particles at barillium and pieces with no charge.