
Atomic Theory Timeline

By froe601
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    400 BC
    'grandfather' of the Atomic Theory because he recognized that atoms exsisted and were mechanically bound
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    Said that there were 4 elements, earth, water, fire, and air. Believed in reasoning instead of scientific experiments and said democritisus' atom theory wasn't right.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    established the Law of Conservation of Mass
    suggested that element cannot be broken down into simpler components and combined elements would create chemical compounds.
  • John Dalton

    father of modern atomic theory • 5 parts to theory • includes elements are composed of atoms • also includes elements atoms are identical in mass
  • John Dalton

    Atomic theory proposed by John Dalton
    Dalton's theory was based on the premise that the atoms of different elements could be distinguished by differences in their weights.
  • JJ Thomson

    Beginning in 1895 physicist J. J. Thomson theorized that cathode rays produced in Crookes' tubes must be composed of what he called "corpuscles", a single type of negatively charged particle.
  • Joseph John Thomson

    discovered electron
    • described nature of cathode rays
    • plum pudding model of atom- Joseph John Thomson proposed that the atom was a sphere of positive electricity (which was diffuse) with negative particles imbedded throughout after discovering the electron, a discovery for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1906.
  • .Robert Millikan

    measured charge of an electron • oil drop experiment • completed with Thomson
  • Max Planck

    atoms can emit quanta • Einstein used Plancks work to study photons
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  • Gold Foil Experiment

    Ernest Rutherford's experiment that showed that atoms are mostly emppty space except for the nucleus
  • Niels Bohr

    model of the atom
    electrons travel in specified energy levels
    • spectrum lines produced when electrons move
    • introduced that electrons orbit around the nucleus in an atom
  • Ernest Rutherford

    gold foil experiment • atom has small positive nucleus, remainder is empty space • predicted existence of neutrons
  • Louis deBrogile

    • electrons have properties of both waves and particles • group of waves named after him
  • Hans Geiger

    demonstrated that
    mass and energy are conserved in the
    atomic process
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    showed mathematically that waves can be used to describe electrons in atoms • determined probability location of electrons in atoms
  • Werner Heisenberg

    • uncertainty principle
    • impossible to determine the position
    and the momentum of a particle at the same time
    • cloud model aka quantum mechanical mode
  • James Chadwick

    helped with the development of the nuclear model and discovered neutron
  • Glen Seaborg

    •Succeeded in making man-made elements. •won the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements", contributed to the discovery and isolation of ten elements