Dalton Model
Scientist: John Dalton.
Dalton discovered that all elements are made up of tiny, invisible paticles called atoms. John also discovered that atoms of the same element look similar and all element models look the same. These atoms can be chemically combined to form compounds. These chemical reactions cause the atoms to join up, rearrange, or seperate. Dalton describes this model as tiny and indestructable parts that have no structure on the inside. -
Plum Pudding Model
Scientist : Joseph John (JJ) Thomson.
JJ Thomson was a British chemist who discovered the electrons. His model is similar to Dalton's whith the shpere resembling the positive energy. Although the only difference is that Thomson shows the electrons and that an atom isn't just full of positive energy, Dalton's model only showed a shpere of positive energy. Thomson shows the energy differences that Dalton wasn't able to show. -
Saturnian Model.
Scientist : Hantaro Nagaoka.
Hantaro believed that atoms were large, positivly charged shperes that are circulated by light, negativly charged electrons. He described the electron's that are around the positively charged center are like saturn's rings. Nagaoka's model incorperates both ideas from Thomson and Dalton. It has the positively charged center and has the electrons surrounding it. Althought Nagaoka focused more on the electron's frequency rather than just positive and negative atoms. -
Rutherford Model
Scientist: Ernest Rutherford.
Ernest proposes that atoms are mostly empty. He says the nucelus is composed of protons and neutrons. Surrounding the nucelus are the electrons the occupy most of the space. Rutherford shows a definition of protons, neutrons, and electrons that Dalton failed to show. Rutherford also shows that the protons and neutrons are similar in charges and categorizes them together when Thomson only shows electrons. -
Bohr Model
Scientist: Niels Bohr.
Niels Bohr created a model that shows the different energy levels when the electrons take in energy. He also discovered that each electron has a specific amount of energy depending on which energy level they are on. Only disadvantage to his model is that it only works with simple atoms. Bohr's model is more suffisticated then Rutherford's since it does show how the electrons gain energy when they absorb energy. Bohr also shows more information than both Thomson and Dalton. -
Electron Cloud Model
Scientist : Erwin Shrödinger.
Erwin proposed that electrons act more like waves. He believed that electrons didn't have a fix set and were constantly moving. Although they have a general region where they would be and that region has a set evergy level. Erwin's model is very similar to Bohr's with the idea of electrons moving. There is only a slight difference is that in Bohr's model the toms move up the energy level and then return. In Erwin's model the electrons are in constant motion. -
Chadwick Model
Scientist : Sir James Chadwick.
Chadwick is the scientist who discovered the neutron. The neutron discovery was very important since protons need an electron to cancel each other out. A neutron doesn't need that since it is neutrally charged. This model is very complex compared to Dalton's whole positive model. It is very similar to Bohr's model with the different energy levels. Only difference is that Chadwick shows the neutron and protons in the nucleus.