Democritus 460 B.C.
-He said that the universe was made up of empty space.
- He said the univere was made up of tine bits of stuff. (this is called atomos)
- Atomos is greek and translates to cannot be divide or uncuttable
- Democritus said atoms cannot be divide.
- In his experiment he cut up bread. He discovered that once it gets small enough it can't be cut anymore. -
Period: 460 to
Timeline of Atomic Model
John Dalton early 1800s
- John Dalton was an englishman who lived in the United Kingdom. He made contributions to the understanding of atomic theory.
- He was born on September 6, 1766 in Eaglesfield, UK and died on July 26, 1844 in Manchester, UK.
- He and his brother were both color-blind. Dalton also make contributions (first) to study co
- He said all elements are made up of Atoms.
- All atoms of the same element are alike
- All atoms of different elements are different.
- Elements combine in specific proportions.
JJ Thomson 1898
- He dicovered that electrons have negative charges
- He believed that atoms are postive with the same # of electrons
Ernest Rutherford 1911
- He discovered that atoms are mostly empty space.
- He discovered that there is a small positively charged nucleus in the middle of the atom.
- He discovered that negativiley charged electrons scattered on the outside.
- The nucleus contains Protons
Neils Bohr
- He discovered that electrons orbit around the nucleus.
- He believed that the electrons moved around th nucleus in a definite path.(Similiar to solar system)
- He discovered that electrons can jump orbital levels.
- He stated energy levels hold electrons.
Modern Electron Cloud ( Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg) 1927
- This states that nucleus contains Protons and Neutrons.
- Electrons move around the nucleus.
- It is a 3-D model
- testing