atomic theory

  • Period: to


  • John Dalton date of birth, Eaglesfield Cumberland, Concluded that all madder was composed of atoms. model of the atom being a solid sphere with atoms.

    John Dalton date of birth, Eaglesfield Cumberland, Concluded that all madder was composed of atoms. model of the atom being a solid sphere with atoms.
  • Death of John Dalton, Manchester England

    Death of John Dalton, Manchester England
  • Death of Robert A. Millikan

    Death of Robert A. Millikan
  • Birth of JJ Thomson, United Kingdom at Cheetham Hill. he discovered the electron and that the number of electrons should equal the atomic number of the element. He used a Cathode Ray tube for his experiment

    Birth of JJ Thomson, United Kingdom at Cheetham Hill. he discovered the electron and that the number of electrons should equal the atomic number of the element. He used a Cathode Ray tube for his experiment
  • Birth of Robert A. Millikan,

    Birth of Robert A. Millikan,
  • birth of ernest ruthersford,

    birth of ernest ruthersford,
    he hypothesized about the nucleus, used the gold foil experiment. discovered protons
  • birth of Niels bohr,

    birth of Niels bohr,
    proposed that energy levels of electrons are discrete. first to make model of the atoms with electrons orbiting nucleus
  • Robert A. Millikan received PHD

    Robert A. Millikan received PHD
  • Thompson received the Nobel Prize in Physics

    Thompson received the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Thompson received the Nobel Prize in Physics
  • nobel prize for measuring electrons

    nobel prize for measuring electrons
  • death of Ernest Ruthers ford

    death of Ernest Ruthers ford
  • start of WWII

    start of WWII
  • Death of JJ Thomson

    Death of JJ Thomson
  • Robert retired

    Robert retired
  • Death of Niels Bohr

    Death of Niels Bohr