Democritus is known for his creation of the atomic theory. This explains all the properties of an atom and what it consists of. -
Antione Lavoisier
Lavoisier was a famous French chemist that had discovered that respiration and breathing utilized oxygen and produced carbon dioxide. This made him push for better health. -
Joseph Louis Proust
Proust was a chemist that discovered that every chemical compound consisted of elements of definite proportion. This, today, is the Law of Constant Proportions -
Indivisible Solid Sphere Model
Created by Dalton, this explains the chemical change and confirms the basic laws of chemistry. Unfortunately, it had not shown the nucleus, protons/neutrons/electrons or explain the existance of isotopes -
John Dalton
Dalton published ‘Dalton’s law.’ Here, it was said that the total amount of pressure by a gaseous mixture is also equal to the sum of partial pressures of each individual component in a gas mixture. -
JJ Thomson
Thomson discovered the electron, a negatively charged particle in the atom. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
Marie Curie was a chemist who spent time researching radioactivity. She was teh first woman to win a Nobel Prize as well as the only person to win it twice, contributing to the 5 Nobel prizes in the Curie Family. Pierre, her husband, had contributed to her many accomplishments -
Henri Becquerel
Worked with Marie Curie on radioactivity along with Pierre Curie. He, along with the others, had won a Nobel Prize. -
Plum Pudding Model
This model had showed the existence of electrons/protons, indrocuded the nucleus, as well as showed nuclear density, -
Planetary Model
An experiment by Rutherford that had proved the nucleus is positive and the electrons are outside the nucleus. -
Robert Millikan
Millikan created the oil-drop experiment to measure the charge of one electron. In 1910, he had gotten more precise results by replacing water with oil -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford had been credited for the first atom split this year. Also, he discovered and named the proton. -
Max Planck
Planck was known for being the originator of the quantum theory. He had won the Nobel Prize in 1918 -
Electron Cloud Model
Proved electrons have definite energy around the nucleus, This proved the electrons were also orbital shells. -
Albert Einstien
Einstien was a theoretical physicist. He had created a theory of relativity, and one of the two pillars of physics. In all, he is most known for his mass-energy equivalence formula, E = mc². -
Neils Bohr
A Danish physicist who had founded many different understandings and contributions to the atomic structure, This included quantom theory as well, in which he recieved a Nobel Prize in Physics. -
Michael Faraday
Faraday had contributed to of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. -
Quantum Mechanical Model
This is the model that has been created by many physicists. This has been related to a 'beehive' around a 'cloud' of energy -
Louis De Broglie
Made a breakthrough in discovery of quantom physics, and decided all matter had wave properties. This included the wave nature of electrons. -
James Chadwick
Chadwick was an English physicist whom discovered the neutron in 1932 -
Erwin Schrödinger
Formed the basics of wave mechanics as well as different discoveries in quantom theories, earning him a Nobel Prize -
Lisa Meitner
Austrian physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. She had been included in a team that had discovered nuclear fission -
Otto Hahn
Hahn had worked with radioactivity and radiochemistry, winning the Nobel Prize in 1944 for the discovery of nuclear fission along with Lisa Meitner -
Glenn T. Seaborg
Had investigated the ten transuranium elements, which had earned him a portion of the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. -
Aristotle had denied the atomic theory created by Democritus. He believed that all matter was made up of fire, water, earth, and air,