Period: to
Humphry Davy
discovered that he could produce pure potassium from potashDiscovered electrochemistry -
John Dalton
Said all matter is made of atoms that can be combinedSaid elements of the same element are exactly alikeSaid atoms of different elements are differentCame up with atomic theory -
JJ Thomson
Discovered the electron -
Ernest Rutherford
Found that positive charge in an atom was from its nucleusConducted experiment to learn structure of an atomDiscovered protons, neutrons, and electronsSaid that atom resembled the solar system -
Niels Bohr
Said electrons had only fixed paths to travel around the nucleusMade the Bohr’s atomic model which was a model with the nucleus in the center and electrons travelling outside itPath electrons traveled were called energy levels -
Gilbert Lewis
Explained that electrons are in shells around the nucleusHe proposed that two elements might combine to form a compound when they give up or accept electrons from their outer shells -
Werner Heisenberg
Created Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics were based off matrixes -
James Chadwick
Discovered the NeutronLed the British in the Manhattan projectReceived the Nobel Prize