Atomic Theory

  • 460 BCE


    -Leucippus was the mentor of Democritus and originally came up with the atomic theory, but it was then adopted by Democritus
    -All matter consists of invisible particles called atoms that are indestructible
    -The particles are solid but invisible, and they are made up from equal elements according to each object
    -They differ in size, shape , and composition
    -Solids are made of small, pointy atoms
    -Liquids are made of big, round atoms
    -Oils are made of fine, small atoms that slip past each other
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    -Theory developed in 1803
    -Born in September 6, 1766

    -Died in July 27, 1844.
    -Studied meteorology and that made him interested in the study of atoms.
    -The theory states that elements are made up from identical atoms for each element.
    -This atoms have the same mass and properties.
    -Stated that compounds were the special fusion of elements.
    -Also said that atoms of different substances have different weights.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    -Developed theory in 1869
    -Born february 8, 1834
    -Died February 2, 1907
    -Creator of the periodic table of elements.
    -In this Table the elements are organized by their atomic weight and number.
    -With the time more elements were added to the table thanks to constant discoveries.
  • Eugen Goldstein

    Eugen Goldstein
    -Developed theory in 1886.
    -Born in September 5 of 1850
    -Died in 25 of December of 1930,
    -He discovered canal rays that are full of ions with a positive charge, basically he discovered protons.
    -Used cathode rays that are the ones emitted by electrons when are in a cathodic vacuum to study electrons.
    -The atomic model was pictured more accurately thanks to him and that he discovered protons.
  • Joseph John Thomson

    Joseph John Thomson
    -Developed 1897 the theory.
    -Born December 18, 1856
    -Died 30 of August, 1940
    -In 1904 delivered six lectures about electricity and matter at Yale University.
    -Discovered an atom could be divided which for the past scientist was impossible, also he discovered electrons.
    -Won a Nobel prize.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    -Developed theory in 1907
    -He was born on August 30, 1871
    -He died on October 19, 1937
    -Started his investigations by studying magnetic properties of iron when exposed to High-Frequency Discharges
    -Discovered the nucleus of the atom.
    -Most of his books were about atoms.
    -Proposed the nucleus was made of protons(positive charges) and neutrons, while the electrons that were negative surrounded it.
    -Won Nobel Prize of Chemistry.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    -Developed theory in 1913
    -Born in October 7, 1885
    -Died in November 18, 1962
    -In Cambridge university he worked in a laboratory leadered by J.J Thomson.
    -He based his investigations in Rutherford investigations of the nucleus and helped creating a new and more detailed diagram of the atom.
    -This drawing included the number of each particle an atom had.
    -The model suggested there were layers that surrounded the nucleus where the electrons orbit.
    -Won a Nobel Prize for his atomic model
  • Erwin Schrödinger

    Erwin Schrödinger
    -Developed his ideas in 1926
    -Born August 12, 1887
    -Died January 4, 1961
    -Based his studies in the atomic model of Niels Bohr
    -Stated that the possible positions of electrons could not be determined by the quantum mechanical model of the atom that could predict the odds of the location of an electron
    -His model describes a cloud that covers electrons and according to him the places the cloud was denser there is greater probabilities of finding an electron, while in less denser areas there wasn´t
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    -Developed the theory in 1932
    -Born 20 of October of 1891.
    -Died 24 of July of 1974
    -Discovered the neutrons had the same mass of protons.
    -Also that the neutrons balanced the protons in the nucleus.
    -According to his model electrons that orbited the nucleus were positioned according to the amount of energy they had.
    -Discovered that neutrons could be use to create the atomic bomb.
    -Won Nobel Prize in physics.