Democritus was the first man ever to theorize about atoms. He said that "atomos" meaning "indivisible" make up all matter. He also stated that atoms are eternal and so small that they cannot be divided. Not only did he believe that, but he also believed that there were different types of atoms, smooth and rounded for liquids, and for solids,rough and prickly. Because atoms are too small to see, Democritus never had enough evidence to prove this theory, leaving many people unsure whether to trus -
John Dalton
John Dalton was an english chemist, phycist, and meteorologist. After reintroducin a 2000 year old theory about atoms, Dalton igured out that atoms combine to a certain ratio after making a counless number of chemical experiments. -
J.J. Thompson
J.J. Thompson was an English Physcist who was able to calculate the measure of an electrical charge. He did this by passing rays through a vacuum. -
Ernest Rutherord
Ernest Rutherforde was a phycist from New Zealand. Ruhterforde discovered that almost all of the atomic mass is located in the nucleus of the atom. Rutherforde made a model called Plum Pudding, which is literally based on english plum pudding. This helped him figure out where all the protons are located in the atom. -
Niels Bohr
Neils Bohr was a Nobel Prize winning Phyisacist who made history through the atomic theory. Bohr's theory was that atoms give of electromagnetic radation as a result of electrons jumping to different shells. Neils Bohr provided evidence for his theory by creating a model which was very close in comparison to Rutherford's atomic model. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Erwin Shreodinger was an Austrian physcist who figured out that electrons do not travel in a definite path, just as Bohr as said. Not only that but Shreodinger also dscovered that the path of an electorn cannot be determined. Shreodinger figured this out by looking at models of atoms. -
Werner Heisenberg
Werner Heisenburg was a German mathmetician and physicst. He was the first person to formulate the Quantum theory, which is also known as the nuetronproton model of the atom.