He discovered the elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms.It states an element is one kind beecause all atoms of an element are identical . He believed it looked lked it has its own characteristc weight, creating a weight ratio between elements. -
Thompson suggeted a model of the atom as a sphere of positive matter in which electrons are positioned by electronic fories. That the atom was the smallest fundamental unit. A model of a the atom is a sphere of positive matter in which electrons are positioned by electronic forces. -
He discovered that atoms have their charge concentrated ina very small nucleus. All the protons in the nuclues and the electrons orbits around the nuclues like planets around a sun. -
He discovered electrons should move aroudnd the nucleus but only in prescribed orbits. When jumping from one orbit to another with lower energy . That energy is transfered ony in certain well defined quantities. Niels Bohr showed that electrons could have only speccific amount energy leading them to more in certain orbits. -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
The late 1920s uncertain aspects of their microscopic world become ever more severe, as the distance and time scales on which they are considered become ever smaller. The exact path or position of moving electron can't be predicted or determind. Rather there are regions inside the atom were elctrons are likey to be found. Atom were how visualized as a nulceus surronded by a cloud of electrons distrubed sccprding a wave pattern. -
Democritus (400b.c.)
Democritus created the first atomic model that stated that all matter consists of invisble particles called atoms. Atoms are indestructible atoms are solid but invisible atoms are homogenous, and atoms differ in size, shape, mass, position, and arrangements.