465 BCE
Democritus theorized that everything is made out of tiny particles that are invisible to the human eye. He believed that for these 'atomos' liquid was round, and the point ones were solids, and skinny ones were slippery oils. -
Dalton got rid of the idea that there were differently shaped atoms. He believed that they were all round and that each type of matter had their own size and mass. He discovered and studied compound elements. -
J. J. Thompson
Thompson used cathode rays and a magnet to theorise that electrons were everywhere, He also discovered that electrons and protons were not reacting with one another inside of the atom -
Rutherford used a detector screen a particle emitter and a gold foil to find that atoms have space in them after they reflected. -
Bohr found out that the electrons should have quantized orbit to remain stable. Than found out that only low level electrons can be near the nucleus. -