Period: 460 to
That that tthe worls consisted of an infinite number of atoms moving in an infintie void. They are invisible and indivisible particles of matter that are ungenerated and in destructible. That our world came about as chance of combined atoms. Believed all sensations is a form of touch resulting from atoms colliding with the sense organs. Reasoned that the world was revealed through our senses.
He came about this by using his senses. Huffman, Carl A. "Democritus." (n.d.): n. pag. Web -
That all matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are invisible and indestructible. All atoms of a give element are identicle in mass and properties compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kind of atoms . Believed that a chemical reactiton is a rearrangment of atoms.
He came up with this because of his inquistive nature and
diligent research.
Leon, N. De. "Dalton's Atomic Theory." Dalton's Atomic Theory. N.p., n.d -
suggested that the atom is not visible as it was of smaller pieces. Atom consists of a sphere of a positive charge with negatively charge electron embedded in it.
He came up with this by his intense understanding of mathematics
"Joseph John Thomson | Chemical Heritage Foundation." Joseph John Thomson | Chemical Heritage Foundation. Bakellit, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. -
That the atoms consisted of subatomic particles called protons and electrons
He came about this by him testing thomson's hypothesis by devising his "gold foil" experiment.
Leon, N. De. "Rutherford Model of the Atom." Rutherford Model of the Atom. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. -
That an electron in orbit around an atomic nucleus should emit electronmagnetic radiation (photos) continuously.
He came about this by modifying the Rutherford's model by requiring tthat theh electrons move in orbit of fixed size and energy.
"Bohr Atomic Model." Bohr Atomic Model. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
That you cannot know by measurment thhe position and momentum of a particle simtaneously
Heisenberg came about this by his own formaula called the "uncertainly principle" Then Schrodinger used his mathematical equation to describe the likelihood of finding a proton in a certain position "quantum mechanical model"
"Development of the Atomic Theory.
" Development of the Atomic Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.