Aristotle beleived there in an atom there were four elements and four qualities, and that they would be in the same place they began when at rest. -
Period: 340 to
Atomic Theory
Democritus believed atoms were hard and small particles followed by one substance and in one shape. He thought they were always moving and combined with each other. -
Robert Boyle
Boyle believed that gasses are made up of tiny particles that group together. -
Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier created the idea of having on single -common language for all of science to use. -
John Dalton
Dalton believe that the reason elements combined was because all elements are made up of atoms. -
J.J Thomson
Thomson used a cathode ray tube to discover that there are small particles inside of every atom. -
Hantaro Nagoaka
Nagoaka developed an early but incorrect model of the atom. -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford create an expirament, he shot a positively charged beam of particles through a sheet of gold foil. -
Neils Bohr
Bohr suggested that electrons travel around the nucleus in definite paths. -
Quantum Mechanical Model
This is the current day model of an atom and is based on a theory of quantum mechanics. Each electron is a cloud, of negative charge, instead of one tiny negative particle. It is believed in this model that electrons fill all of the space in an atom at different levels.