atomic theory

  • 201

    Aristotle 382 BC

    Aristotle 382 BC
    A Greek philosopher diagreed with democritus's ideas. He believed that you would never end up with a partical that could not be cut.
  • 440

    democritus 440bce

    democritus 440bce
    democritus thought that you would eventually end up with a particle an atom. the word atom is from the greek word atoms, meaning "not able to be divided."
  • john dalton

    john dalton
    john Dalton a British chemist and schoolteacher, wanted to know why. He experimented with diffrent substances. his results suggested that elements combine in certain proportions because they are made of single atoms.
  • j.j. thomson

    j.j. thomson
    J.J. Thomson showed there was a mistake in Daltons theory. Thomson Discovered that there are small particals inside the atom. This means that atoms can be divided into even smaller parts.
  • rutherford

    Rutherford relized that in order to explain this atoms must be considered mostly empty space, with a tiny part made of highly dense matter.
  • rutherford

    Rutherford made a new model of the atom. Rutherford proposed that in the center ofthe atom is a tiny, extremly dense, positvely charged part called the nucleus.
  • niels bohr

    niels bohr
    A Danish Scientist who worked with Rutherford, Studied the way that the atoms react to the light. Bohrs result led him to propose that electrons moved around the nucleus in sertain paths.
  • Schrodinger and Heisenberg

    Schrodinger and Heisenberg
    An Austrian Physicist named Erwin Schrodinger and a German Physicist named Werner Heisenberg did especially importint work. They further explained the nature of electrons in the atom. For example electons do not travel in definite pathes as Bohr suggested.